Linking youth to employment, study or training pathways, by developing key employability and vocational skills. We also focus on increasing resilience and ability to stay in meaningful, sustained, employment or training.
Imagine Believe Achieve
The Imagine Believe Achieve (IBA) programme is enriched with Tikanga and te reo Māori, based on three main pillars:
- Te Whare Tapa Wha Māori health and wellbeing model.
- Eight key employability skills from ‘Licence to Learn’.
- The Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust’s five core values.
We teach work-readiness skills, provide work experience through our selected employment partners, and engage in regular fitness sessions through the Tauranga Boxing Academy.
We invite numerous guest speakers to share their important life and employment skills, including experts on financial advice and positive relationship building.
Our onsite psychologist provides support on positive social and wellbeing outcomes with strategies to help build resilience. Essential to our success is our post pastoral support (PPS), where ongoing guidance is provided to taiohi right through to the transition from employment/study towards independence.
This programme wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of the Ministry of Social Development
Intake Dates
13 January - 28 March
14 April - 27 June
14 July - 19 September
6 October - 12 December
10-11 weeks
(PPS is ongoing over the whole year and for a further 6-12 months, as needed)
$50 donation per term
(however, these membership fees are voluntary)
Referrals are available to all groups and individuals.
Youth must qualify as NEET 15 - 24 year-olds, not in employment, education or training.
Work readiness skills for success in employment tailored to specific needs.
Skills and strategies that develop and strengthen resilience.
Confidence through effective support and positive role models.
Personal and practical life skills that ensure participants make positive life choices.
Opportunities to engage and contribute positively to the local community.
Strengthened cultural identity and ties.
Physical fitness delivered by our Tauranga Boxing Academy three times a week minimum.
Pathways to study, training or employment with the provision of tailored personal resources.
Increased confidence and independence in employment/study with ongoing PPS support.
Broadened experiences for taiohi with regular site visits to employer ‘champions’.

Our dedicated team are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of youth coaching. They all share the same goal of making positive and lasting change to the lives of our youth, supporting them in reaching their full potential and providing opportunities for them to achieve their dreams.

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