Te Aranui Youth Trust

Delivering a number of interventions to provide vulnerable youth with the tools for a positive future. We believe all young people have the potential to thrive.


We provide positive role models and mentors who help instil a sense of pride in our rangatahi, teaching them life skills that are taken for granted by many. Although a separate charitable trust, Te Aranui Youth Trust shares governance with the Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust.

As well as one-on-one interventions and mentoring, Te Aranui Youth Trust run a variety of programmes such as:

  • The Breakfast Club run weekly at Te Puna o Taiohi/ Youth Central.
  • The Wāhine Toa / Tama Toa programme which runs within schools focussing on essential life skills.

Te Aranui Youth Trust Holiday programme which provides positive role modelling and group-based activities with a strong focus on tikanga and Te Ao Māori immersion.

Te Aranui Youth Trust are separate to the BOPYDT.


This programme wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of the Acorn Foundation

Intake Dates



1-3 years, until participants are ready to move on to the next stage of their journey.

One-off interventions can also be provided.


There is no cost.


Youth aged 7-14 years referred by the Ministry of Education or the New Zealand Police.

We also accept some referrals from schools, whānau and other community organisations depending on capacity.


Practical life skills to ensure the ability to make positive life choices.
Self-esteem and confidence through access to positive role models.
Positive behaviour and strength to make the right decisions.
Successful connections made with other rangatahi and staff.
Financial assistance when required for learning or sports resources.
Strong cultural identities cemented and increased awareness on tikanga and immersion in Te Ao Māori.
Knowledge around healthy relationships, drug and alcohol awareness and any other topics relevant to youth.
Increased mental health awareness and strategies to deal with challenges.
Continuous support throughout the journey.


Our dedicated team are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of youth coaching. They all share the same goal of making positive and lasting change to the lives of our youth, supporting them in reaching their full potential and providing opportunities for them to achieve their dreams.

With support from other NZ Police and Ministry of Education Staff:
Sonny Walker – Youth Worker (NZ Police)
Shane Swales – Kaitakawaenga (MOE)
Dion Kairau – Special Education Advisor (MOE)

Tanya Grimstone

Funding & Administration Manager

Eden Cowley (Ngāti Awa)

Youth Development Officer

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For Corporates

Enrolling a Student


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